Exuma, Bahamas – Scuba Diving 5/02/22

Monday, May 2, 2022

Scuba Diving

Location: Exuma, Bahamas – Half Moon Reef and Stingray Reef

Divers: Ian, Tyler, Ned, Kyle

Depth: 30-40 feet

Scuba selfie

So here’s a new category for this blog! I recently went to the Bahamas with my buddies and got re-certified for scuba beforehand. I was certified when I was a kid, but hadn’t dove in years, so I figured I might as well start from the beginning. I convinced Tyler and Ned to get certified as well and Kyle was already certified, so there were four of us.

We stayed in Exuma and had a great time. We only dove one day, but this is looking to be an annual guys trip going forward, so we should get in some more dives. We are going to try and get in some other dives in Texas and perhaps other locations throughout the year also.

We did two dives to two separate reefs, Half Moon and Stingray. When we arrived at the dive shop in the morning, we found that they had mixed up our reservation and we were actually supposed to go that afternoon, but luckily there were just two other divers there (a father and son) who said we could go with them on their charter. They were both experienced divers and it was nice to have them along to keep an eye on us newbies.

This was my first attempt at underwater photography on my little knock off GoPro camera, but I think it came out ok, considering I was just holding it in my hand and praying I didn’t drop it. Nothing spectacular, but it did the job. I’ll include everything I got, including the videos.

Video 1:

Ned again – still waiting on his GoPro footage!

The reef was actually a little better in terms of health than the reef we were on in the Maldives a few weeks back. Sadly, in 2016 there was a worldwide coral bleaching event and most reefs are still recovering. I’m hoping against hope that we can reverse course, as these are some amazing creations that play such a vital role in our existence, even if most people don’t understand it.

In terms of wildlife, we saw a couple of huge lobsters, a barracuda, and a nice reef shark. Of course, I don’t have pics because I wasn’t even sure my camera was going to work, but you’ll have to take my word for it.

Video 2:

Top to bottom: Tyler, Kyle, and divemaster
Divemaster and Kyle
More coral

Video 3:

2 Comments on “Exuma, Bahamas – Scuba Diving 5/02/22

  1. Nice pix and videos, Ian. Looks like yall had fun. If you get any pix of
    you from that trip, I’d like to see them.
    I guess no one got sick and fed the fish?


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