Knob Hill Trail 9/22/13

September 22nd, 2013

Hike: Knob Hill Trail, Flower Mound (DFW), TX

Weather: cool, upper-mid 70s, sunny

Hikers: Court, Ian

Length: about 10 miles

This was our longest hike to date.  We started out around 9:30am on a beautiful, cool morning.  It had rained for two days prior, so the trail was slightly muddy, but the temperature was great, especially compared to our last hike on this trail in July.

When we arrived the parking lot was pretty full, but we only saw a few bikers and one trail running couple.  Also one father/son hiking combo.  We got all the way to the other trail head and actually overshot it a bit.  Near the turnaround we came across a group of horseback riders.  Probably 7-9 total.  Court thought it was funny that the smallest rider had the largest horse.  Again, we forgot the camera, so my cracked iPhone had to suffice.  I’m going to just keep my camera in the backpack at all times from now on.

Court overlooking the creek. My thumb covering the lens.

There wasn’t much wildlife today.  Just one squirrel that scurried across the path as we approached.  Also several turtles in the creek below the trail, near the beginning.  Glad we got to do this trail completely and our feet held out well.  I like this trail, as it has a lot of different environments.  It starts under the shade of the forest, then becomes a bit sandy, then gains elevation up to Knob Hill and has more rocks and cacti, before delving back into forest and a shallow river bottom with tall, woody plants outlining the trail.

Knob Hill?
Knob Hill?

Overall, a nice 10 mile out and back that isn’t too challenging, but is nice to get out of the city and experience nature around Dallas.

Roughly 10 miles, out and back, starting at left
Roughly 10 miles, out and back, starting at left

Elevation Profile

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